Career (Page 9)

Scott Eblin of the Eblin Group talks about what it means going into the next phase, how we live and work in in the new CoVID-19 world. Its a phase of transition as we get used to what is next to come the new normal. He talks about three ways help lead your organisation to transition into phase 2 and be prepared for the new normal. Firstly change agenda’s from “To Do” to “What If?” – its about giving your team the mental space to re-imagine the why, what and how of work in your company. Next “Cast a Broader Net” – no one has all the answers right now, reimagining what the future looks like is going to require that you consult widely with partners, customers and other experts inside and outside your company. Finally he refers to “Gather Data and Run Small Tests” this is a world ofContinue Reading

Increasing organisational resilience in the face of CoVID-19. A perspectives piece from Deloitte providing insights for organisations to explore new ways of working. The Deloitte team describe a series of actions that organisations can take to enable resilience and maintain virtual business operations. Firstly respond to the virus. This requires two approaches, a Human Centred Response and a Organisational Preparedness response.Human Centred is to engage with stakeholders creating tailored solutions that meet specific needs of each impacted group. Promote virtual work, use tools that support collaboration productivity and culture continuity. Own the narrative through strong and consistent communication. Increase support for help desks, that help those with different levels of digital fluency. Drive customer communications, create or enhance customer support channels to manage and overcome potential temporary disruptions. Organisational Preparedness (or Crisis Management) should Institute a Central Response Team, Monitor Regulatory and Health Updates, Assess Market and Financial Impacts andContinue Reading

fear to return to the office

No matter what governments might think, you cannot just open the economy by press release and policy. Citizens need to feel safe in going about their usual day to day activities and its possible that many people including your employees are not there yet. In this article from Magazine Managing Editor, Lindsay Blake talks to Peter Newell (CEO of Innovation and Problem Solving company BMNT) about how leaders might tackle this challenge. You can’t manage people’s fears but you can support them. Everyone’s situation and individual concerns and fears are different. Go deep on what returning to work looks like and all of its ramifications. Understand how people get to work including the implications of public transport. How will your company handle face to face meetings? What about employees with children that need to be monitored for home schooling? Directly address the stress your employees are going through. HaveContinue Reading

return to the office

There are lots of people starting to talk about the new normal, how they are planning to return to the workplace and reach the new normal safely. They talk about the planning, the series of steps required to reach the stable operating model. Many of these people are also looking to return to some relatable version of the past working environment. Others are seeking to balance the clear gains achieved with a remote workforce, many have seen a productivity shift that they don’t want to lose. Given all this the next step for business is not a phase at all, it will be open ended rather than a fixed plan. A better mental model is to think about developing a new “muscle”: an enterprise wide ability to absorb uncertainty and incorporate lessons into the operating model quickly. Read more of this excellent article from McKinsey and written by Mihir Mysore, BobContinue Reading

Personal Space

Vy Luu explores how different personal space is when we are all working from home. It requires a kind of boundary setting, learning the skills to respect boundaries across remote teams and a different kind of collaboration. She outlines four concepts1. Personal Space Zones2. Protecting our Space Virtually3. How to ask for Online Personal Space4. How to show respect for Virtual Space of Others at work You can (and you should) read the whole article here on Medium in the ‘Better Humans’ blog. Reading