Transforming your organisation requires a mindset transformation, the excellent illustration below was shared this week on LinkedIn by an ex-colleague and it sums up how organisations need to think about and plan for transformation.
Well done to Thoughtworks and Tanmay Vora who created this image.

“The most profound business challenge we face today is how to build organizations that can change as fast as change itself.“
Gary Hamel, Global Peter Drucker Forum, Vienna Austria
The authors start by pointing out that John Kotter wrote a paper on “Leading Change” in 1996 (required MBA reading) where he highlighted that only 30% of change initiatives are ever actually successful. The reason is that there is a lack of commitment to drive a change of culture. Culture is created and solidified over time through expressed actions and reactions and not cooked up based on generic sounding mission statements that are disconnected from real behaviours.
Organisations that are able to truly understand their underlying motivation for change are much more likely to be able to define targeted success criteria to understand and monitor the change process. Examples of the what you are seeking to understand and tightly link to your organisations change program.
- What did we learn about our customers experience during the change?
- What did we learn about our internal processes to serve our customers?
- What did we learn about our markets and how we make money?
- Did we identify and remove impediments to innovate and/or better serve customers?
Synopsis of an article from Thoughtworks The Unfinished Business of Organizational Transformation by Aaron Sachs and Anupam Kundu Published 13th November 2015