Improve your relationships with the magic 5:1 ratio

Synopsis of an article from Inc. by JESSICA STILLMAN published 31st July 2020

This article is a summary of an article which it turns out is a summary of an article… Inc Magazine Jessica Stillman references an article published by The Profile (an online magazine hosted by Substack). The original article was written by Polina Marinova who seven days after her wedding, sought to crowdsource advice to what makes a good marriage, she got a lot of valuable advice but the critical one applies to all of our most important relationships.

The difference between happy and unhappy couples is the balance between positive and negative interactions during conflict. There is a very specific ratio that makes love last. That “magic ratio” is 5 to 1. This means that for every negative interaction during conflict, a stable and happy marriage has five (or more) positive interactions.

Working on your professional relationships is just as important as working on your personal relationships, from your managers to your staff, your suppliers and customers – all relationships are stronger when you apply the ratio of 5 times the positive interactions to every 1 negative interaction.

Key points:

  • It is not about the scale of the gesture, it is about the relative frequency.
  • Regular small kindnesses heavily outweigh the occasional gruff or irritated snap
  • It applies to all types of relationships, science and research of decades has proven that if you stay in positive credit for your interactions at least 5:1 and that relationship will last.

Read the full article here:
and here

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