DIGEST | The Weekly Newsletter
Friday 10th July 2020

Welcome to DIGEST your weekly leadership and innovation update.

This week has seen CoVID number of infections rising again in Australia causing cities to go back into lock down, in contrast to the US and Europe where the numbers continue to be high and economies are keen to reopen.  

The burden on business and leadership is significant as we all struggle to balance the business versus the societal costs.  

This week we have a number of useful articles focused on how to lead, how to innovate and how to recover.

Each week we send out leadership and innovation articles that we have curated and summarised from all over the world, in this update there are five recent articles on leadership with some very practical tips and advice.

If you enjoyed this selection please look at the Innovation-Thinking website where you can review previous articles and newsletters as well as search on topics, categories or themes.

I hope that you found this interesting and useful, please feel free to share. If this was forwarded on to you by someone else, then please subscribe.

Have a great week


9 July 2020
How to Hand Your Role Over to a Successor
By Crispin Blackall It is one of those tasks that can really make a difference in how people see you, done well it has potential to make a lasting impression on your personal brand for the successor, for the staff and for the former manager.   So how do you focus on getting it right […]
8 July 2020
10 Types of Innovation: The Art of Discovering a Breakthrough Product
Synopsis of an article from Visual Capitalist by Jeff Desjardins Published 1st July 2020 This article is built around an excellent infographic built on years of in depth research from innovation firm Doblin (owned by Deloitte). They have observed that there are 10 types of innovation that can be categorised with specific dimensions, which can […]
8 July 2020
Beyond Survival
In this article the authors ask us to consider how your company will get through the pandemic successfully they go onto challenge us to rethink and reinvent business and leadership models.
8 July 2020
Laziness is a Myth - its all about motivation
There is greater self regulation in the environments where promises are kept, because there is greater trust that the delayed gratification will be rewarded. Optimal motivation comes from our lived experiences, be those broken promises or promises delivered. Where the environment is prejudicial or biased it leads to a lack of trust in achieving the delayed gratification.
8 July 2020
Why We Self-Sabotage
Explore why that even when we have worked so hard to achieve a goal, we self sabotage our own attempts.
8 July 2020
Three Ways To Lead Whilst Being Isolated
Synopsis of an article from Forbes, by Benjamin Laker, Published 6th July 2020 In this article Benjamin looks at ‘Respect Trumps Harmony’ a new book from Rachel Robertson who also published ‘Leading on the Edge’ which is an account and the learnings from her expedition to Antartica. The key points that Rachel makes are that […]
Other Distractions we enjoyed this week...

If you are after distractions, here are a few other things we have been reading this week

  1. Man flees in stolen car, and then crashes into a woman stealing a car
  2. Man takes his couch para-gliding (Video) well worth watching
  3. How to block those distracting noises when you are working from home
  4. Coping when your co-worker is suddenly laid off
  5. Fascinating infographic on how the Big Tech companies make their money
  6. Seeing your partner in work mode
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