Blue Ocean Strategy

For those that have not read the Book – Blue Ocean Strategy – How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant. Or the seminal HBR 2004 article ‘Blue Ocean Strategy‘ here is a very high level over view. Blue Ocean Strategies are ones that capture the new and unexplored areas. They unlock new demand and make the existing competition irrelevant. The cornerstone is “value innovation”, a concept which was originally outlined in the HBR article “Value Innovation – The Strategic Logic of High Growth” (Kim & Mauborgne’s 1997).  “Red oceans are all the industries in existence today—the known market space. In the red oceans, industry boundaries are defined and accepted, and the competitive rules of the game are known. Here companies try to outperform their rivals to grab a greater share of existing demand. As the market space gets crowded, prospects for profits and growth are reduced.Continue Reading